Friday with Our BFF's

My BFF and fellow Blogger friend at Jimmy Choos & a Baby Too is coming over tonight! Go check her blog out if you haven't...she's young and stylish...everything I strive to be....
We both had our little girls within a few months of each other and they are BFF's too! Add the hubby's to the mix and it's a great little gang! The men will be playing war games on the ps3 and us girly girls will be watching CMT and teaching our little mini me's to be ladies! (more like watching them climb and destroy everything in sight)

Tonight on the menu: (links included)
Mexican Lasagna
Texas Cornbread Muffins
Strawberry Meringues

and my BFF's Margaritas


me too! and that's the menu in case you were wondering haha
Kristin said…
That sounds like so much fun, guys! Be sure to have an extra margarita for me! :)
PS~Erin said…
Sounds like so much fun! Love that you have little ones the same age. Our sleepover is with two of my best friends' girls, so it's not a true test, as they are like my second children. It will be fun though... We just went and picked up fake nails, make-up kits and rented movies. My bday girl is beside herself with excitement!

Have fun tonight!
Nicole said…
How fun! I love her blog she is so cute!!! I love yours too! Have fun ladies!
That sounds like so much fun!! Hope you girls had fun!
Sounds like tons of fun and I will have to make mexican lasagna sometime!

Thanks for following me! It's a pleasure to meet you :)

KJ said…
Just stumbled across your blog- so cute! LOVE Mexican Lasagna- YUMMY! I'm your newest follower!

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