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I'm NOT Sorry If This Offends You
I was at the grocery store early this morning (like usual)….Today when I was checking out the lady in front of me was complaining…shesh really? It’s only Monday..anyways she was complaining about how ungrateful her children were…esp when it came to food. She told them she wasn’t going to buy anymore food until they ate all the other stuff. She said she was sick of wasting food (ok I get this part), but she said finally they were down to nothing and so she had to shop. She said ‘my house is a mess too because what am I …? Everyone’s maid?’ Umm yeah you kind of are. I mean no, your kids don’t have to be lazy and selfish and not take care of their things or help pick up messes, but yes you are …maid, cook, child care provider, chauffeur, dry cleaner, garbage man, pooper scooper…you see my point I’m sure I’m missing something. Heck fire, what did she think the job description of Stay at home Mom and Wife entailed….? Sitting on her butt all day and complaining?
I got asked one time: "What are you going to do once the kids are in school or grown and gone from the house? "
My job is never ending no matter who is home during the day with me. I will still need to wash sheets and towels. The clothes will still need to be laundered. I will still need to go to the grocery store to prepare meals for the week. I will still need to dust/mop/sweep/iron/scrub toilets/do the baseboards/take out the trash/collect the mail/clean fridge out/wipe down appliances..... the list could go on.
My time is more important than any dollar amount I can bring to my family. Are we rich? Heck no! Do we struggle? At times, but that is why we budget and don't live beyond our means. I would love to have extra cash lying around...or buy my kids the latest and greatest toys, but I can't. I want my family to know how much more important family is than material things. Those material things don't's a quick fix. Something newer and better or faster is sure to come out before the dust collects, but yet family never gets old or outdated. My point job is never ending and I knew this when I signed up for the task. I do my "JOB" with a happy heart and can't wait to spend the rest of my life doing it! I know that when I serve my Husband I am serving and pleasing God. That is all I could ask for. I want to honor my family and raise my children to love God. I pray that by example they will grow up to be strong ppl.
As for my oldest daughter? She wants to be just like me. Here in the home serving her family. She sees me being a SAHM with a smile on my face and love in my heart. I am honored that she would take after me. I know her husband will know how blessed he is to have a woman by his side honoring and serving him too!
When the kids are grown and out of the house starting their own families I will still be the SAHW my husband needs and has come to depend on. I have given up nothing to be what I am today. It makes my heart hurt to hear other mother's say they are bored...or that they will not give up who they are to stay home...or that they need to prove to the world/other men that they can too work and have a family.
Men and women are designed differently for a reason. A man's body was built for hard work and war. A woman's was made for birthin them babies (grins) and tending to the home. We have a gentle feminine side and men have the rough and rugged side. Thank goodness for that... I love making my home a place my husband wants to come home to. The place he craves at the end of the day. I love seeing his worries fall off his shoulders when he enters the door to his home knowing he can sit and relax with his family b/c I have done everything to make that possible. So what will I be doing once the kids are gone? Exactly what I am doing now!
I was once asked what I would do when the baby went to school. I said, "probably catch up with the laundry".
I TOTALLY agree with you!
I love my job and take it very seriously!!
You said it well lady :)
You are a very inspiring woman, & I look up to you and all SAHM's!
Hope your having a great Monday! xoxo
Very well said! Great post!
Not to say that working mothers aren't good parents, or that SAHM's are better or whatever.. But I think both occupations have value, and no one from either "corner" should pass judgment on the other. If it works for your family, than who is anyone else to question it?
But yeah, I definitely aspire to be a SAHM. I'm a business major just until I find Mr. Right.
Awesome post, Laura! :) Have a great week!
i pray when the time comes i will get to be a sahm! :)
Don't hate me! I honestly have NOTHING against SAHM, it's just not for me! :-)
i never thought i'd stay home, but i've been home with just my husband for a year... i'm so thankful to be going back to work part-time because i've learned to LOVE my time at home, and LOVE my job as a way to love on others (i'm a hair stylist, its so fun & uplifting) i feel so blessed to have the perfect balance for where we are in our life/marriage right now!
lots of working women work with the wrong heart, and lots of sahm's stay home with the wrong heart. its so great to be at peace and joyful about the opportunity you've been given!