Yes, I'm one of those....

So yes....I do natural my midwife...(was home less than 3 hrs after giving birth!!!) and nurse my babies until they self wean.

I think it drives some ppl nuts at times about the nursing....I mean come on don't really go off to college still attached to Mom's teet!

Yes, I don't get to go away for weekend getaways w/hubs...yet...and yes it prevents me from going places w/o her, but...


Lily is almost 20 months and I honestly don't see any sign of her quitting....In fact she asks for it more during the day. I do distract her w/other things because I think she just gets bored. I know that also could mean she just wants more touch/being held.

I get sad when I hear mom's give up nursing...or don't try at all. OK before you slam me, yes yes I've heard all the stories about how you tried and it hurt or the baby couldn't do it. But I'm here to tell you that after 4 babies...I've had ALL the problems associated w/nursing a baby. Trust me...months of engorgement...sore/cracked/bleeding nipples. Babies who want to nurse 24/7 all day and night...infection...pain...sobbing (oh wait that was me) been there done that. But I stuck w/it because of the rewards.

There is nothing like seeing my babies nestle up to me and drift off in that 'drunken milk phase'...:o)

Lily will play w/my hair while she nursing...twisting it around her finger and playing w/my curls. It made my heart melt to hear hubs say the other day "I love watching you feed her...she gets so content"

I get the occasional comments of "so you going to nurse her when she's in kindergarten?"
I joke back w/...."well it's a good thing she is going to be home schooled then huh?!"

I don't judge other's (to their face that is..hee hee) who don't nurse..or who quit before the baby is why do people feel the need to give their 2 cents? I sometimes wonder if it's a deep down resentment that they wished they had stuck it out....or maybe not.

This is my choice....I choose to let her wean herself. One day she won't give me a second thought and so I cherish these close moments!


LeAnna said…
Totally agree with you! I struggled for a full month the first month of nursing, it was NOT easy, but it was the best for my baby. Nursing requires a level of selflessness, and it's so worth it. My son self weaned by 10 months (WAH) and I wanted to nurse him longer, but that's the great thing about nursing, you do what works for each baby!
Great post! I nursed both boys but did stop around 6 months, now that I'm older and wiser, I think when we have #3 I will continue for atleast a year... or longer if that is how things are going. I think anyone should do what is best for them and their family. I do get upset when people say they did not even try... but to each it's own!
Molly said…
I so miss those days of nursing my youngest daughter. I weaned her around 13-14 months and cried my eyes out when I did. Even though I was so proud of myself for for being so determined and making it that long. I learned SOOO much about breastfeeding during that time and have friends coming to me asking for advice all the time. I adore that special time and don't blame you one bit for continuing to do it with Lily. Its an amazing bond and so good for them! You go girl!!

P.S. I too have heard every excuse in the book of why people couldn't make it, or stopped way too soon. Kind of makes me sad! I struggled for a few weeks at first as well, but stuck through it and came out a champ!

Kelly Marie said…
You do you & who cares what anyone else thinks?? (:
Jessi said…
I nursed my son until 3 weeks before his 2nd birthday. I weaned him but it was our time. My goal was 2 years and we (nearly) made it. I love nursing. I really do miss it!
Anonymous said…
I think it is awesome that you stand up for what you believe in. The beauty of being a woman and a mother is the right to choose which direction you go in. Sometimes there is not that choice though. I personally was unable to nurse my daughter due to medical reasons, very serious medical reasons. I am on the flip side of where you are. Instead of people making jokes about how long I would nurse my daughter I was getting slammed for not caring enough to nurse my daughter. I believe it is all a matter of what is right for you and your family, which ever way that may be. :)
Vanessa said…
I was just nodding throughout this entire post!! Good for you -- and I agree that it seems a lot easier for people to criticize a mom publicly for nursing 'too long' (according to them) than it would ever be for a nursing mom to question another mom who chose not to at all or something!
Whenever you talk about giving birth it makes me more and more interested in learning about it and possibly going that route when my day someday comes. I love that you still nurse her because I fully support breast feeding I don't get the whole bottle feeding thing.
Neely said…
I think what you do is great. I was never breast fed and Im very torn on weather or not I will when I have kids. BUt I think you need to tell everyone who challenges you on it to go blank themselves :)
carissa said…
i think it's awesome that you are able to nurse for so long. i must say that i'm a bit jealous. : ) i never had the sore tata's or anything like that, but my lil' man had severe health problems which meant that i pumped for 8 months straight/8 times/day. it was so hard and i cried so much because i wanted all the bonding that came with nursing. with pumping, i just felt like a big milk machine without the bonding benefits of nursing. i was ordered to quit pumping by my doc when my hunter was 8 mos because i was 2 mos pregnant by then and my body wasn't handling both. so anyways, i think everyone's experiences are different and often full of unexpecteds. one thing i have learned through it all is that no one should judge on either end - nursing or not. i'm praying that i will be able to nurse my baby girl!
Francis said…
I totally agree I, honestly dont think that is anyone's business how long you do it for. I nursed my son for a year and Im planning on doing the same with my daughter but for some reasson she will NOT take the bottle even with EBM.. so Im already getting comments like "well Are you going to nurse her till she is in school?, OR when are you going to stop nuring I thought it was until 6 months?...UGHH I just want to be like.. Well I will do it until I want to, and No you dont have to stop at 6 months! YOU can totally breastfeed until you are out of milk which could be NEVER lol:)
Mrs. H said…
I think it's awesome that you do natural birth (I could never do it!) and that you have been able to nurse as long as you have! Preach on sista!
I think it is awesome that you nurse... I didn't, I was a wimp, I regret that now.
Stephanie said…
Good for you! You have to do what's best for your family.
Stef said…
Probably the same people who, after hearing that I have 5 kids, ask if I am trying to repopulate the earth. RUDE. I say you gotta do what works for you. Who can complain when their child wants to be close to them. I meann, really?
Maybe they were all formula fed...sheesh...
Mama Parker said…
I agree. I feel like Mommies are really selfish who decide not to nurse. Yes it takes time, effort, and you NEVER get a break but it is the best reward. You are the only one who can provide for your child and that alone makes all the difference. My son Nash latched on immediately after birth, lucky me I didn't need any help. This was my first baby and I have no idea how I did it. But in the end Nash is healthy, not over weight, and very intelligent. If I hear 1 more person/pediatrician tell me formula is the SAME as breast milk I am going to scream!!! In no way shape or form is it the same. You have taken the easy way out DO NOT compare yourself to Mommies who do all the work.
As you can see I totally agree with you.
And yes I think they are least my Sister in Law is...she always seems to make some snide comment when I am nursing. Her excuse was "I didn't produce enough milk"
Ummmm that isn't even physically possible. Women in 3rd world countries produce milk even without a hearty diet, with that said I am pretty sure you can too.
Excuses, excuses.
I commend you lady. And I appreciate you leaving the judgment out of it. I nursed the dude for 6 months...but after bout after bout of mastitis I was beat and my doctor and I decided it was time to throw in the towel. It saddens me when mothers judge other mothers, so thank you for just talking about why YOU made your personal choice. Standing O!
A style blog said…
AMEN! I plan on nursing till she goes away to college. Ok, maybe not that long but.. you know what I mean.

I really don't understand why people judge so much. They do if you nurse and they do if you don't nurse. Either way, damed if you do, damed if you don't.

Any pointers for a new momma?
I Do Declare said…
I love how you make no apologies for the way you're raisin' your family!
Lori said…
Awesome post. I honestly didn't think I would BF for so long (really didn't have the interest to) and looky looky, one year later and I'm still nursing. I think I might actually miss it...
Morningtower said…
I realized it was time to quit nursing, when Faith walked up to me and said "Mommy, I don't think I need Nunnies anymore." She was 4 1/2 years old. I still miss those days. . . especially now that she is 13 and has her own cell phone and is taller than me!!!

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