Scaring Our Babies?
This morning when Little Girl woke up she usually just toddles down to the kitchen w/me and the big kids or finds me in the bathroom getting dressed for the day. Yes I said walks see she has been sleeping in our big bed since she turned 12 months. She never liked the crib and the minute I decided to be a co-sleeper was the best day of our lives.
I am NOT a fan of having kids in the fact I've always thought it was a bad idea...I mean this is mine and hubs haven! This is the place we can snuggle and talk about our dreams/fears/day etc. Enter a child and boom all that changes. BUT LILY IS NO NORMAL CHILD.
From day 1 she didn't require much sleep. She totally went against all my 'routines and schedules' that I always put into play with the other children. Bed time by 7:30 or 8 depending on your little age. They would sleep through the night for at least 10-12 hrs. Nap like a dream too! NOT LILY....she doesn't want any of that. I fought for months to make her conform and I finally gave up. I'm glad I did! Life has been lovely.
I thought maybe just maybe she would sleep better w/us. When she turned 1 I gave it a try. WOWZA she slept all night. Naptime...she slept 3 hrs. (now it's 1.5-2) I called it the magic bed! It was amazing. Our lives changed. I lost our haven, but I felt our sanity came first and she did need rest.
Baby Girl usually sleeps until after 7 depending on how quiet I am...this morning she woke up at early and really needed some holding...
I rocked her in the rocking chair nursing her a bit and sang some lullabies.
Have you seriously truly listened to the words of some of those songs?
Humpty Dumpty
Rock a Bye Baby
Ring Around the Rosie
or the story of Little Red Riding Hood?
I'm rocking her and singing Rock a Bye and I realize my words and Lily going to look up at me in terror? I mean she is starting to really understand our words and can do small commands! I had to giggle and then just hum the rest. I mean I don't want to scare the poor dear into never sleeping again!
I too was not a fan of having kids in my bed. When Emma was a baby I was terrified of rolling on her, or her daddy rolling on she slept in the bassinet right next to the bed. When she got a little older she would crawl in bed with me. She is almost 7 and I still ask her if she wants to sleep with mommy (I like having her close). The only problem now is she moves ALOT in her sleep and I wake up with bruises LOL
And I agree 100% with you about co-sleeping. I said NO WAYS until one night I brought her into bed and she slept until 7am. Life is great. Funny how these kids know just what they need!
Here's a breakdown of the song:
Ring Around the Rosey(victims of the plague would usually have a red, swollen ring around their eyes)
A pocket full of posies(people would carry flowers in their pockets to cover the lingering smell of death, and some people even thought they would ward off the disease)
Ashes, Ashes(this refers to the fact that they would take dead bodies and people suffering from the disease, throw them in pits, and burn their bodies to slow down the spread of the disease)
We all fall down(basically this means death)
So really this is very creapy!!