Addicted to Chalkboards

I'm addicted to Chalkboard paint and vinyl...

I keep searching the house for more things to paint when hubs isn't looking....(who by the way just celebrated a major milestone birthday and refused to let me blog or tell ppl about it or throw a party...what a pooper)

So far this is what I've managed...

My glass jars from walmart...they needed a little chalkboard vinyl...

Lily needed a fun space in the kitchen....

For the 4th, hubs bought a watermelon....

So what does one do with leftover watermelon besides eat it? Make drinks and popsicles of course...

*For pops....just puree watermelon with a simple syrup (equal parts of sugar and water boiled down)

Lily had a little friend named Macy over to play yesterday. It was good to have some 'girlie' time for mommy and lily. I've since realized Lily is a bit of a bossy girl....she kept forcing Macy to play whether Macy wanted to or not...thankfully Macy is the sweetest child on the planet and didn't put up any fight.

At one point Macy decided to pick her boogey and then share it with Lily....awww sweet friends...see they can share at this age with no problems.

Sweet M has the most gorgeous head of cork screw curls (my bad for leaving the camera on the counter the whole time I'll get some of the girls playing) Lily decided to play beauty shop and went and got her brushes. I'd say that by the time M left her head was a big ball of poof.

Lily and I thought we'd bake some cookies for our friends too...(FYI...I caved and had a flower cookie...had to try the icing after all and I DID END UP EATING THE 4TH OF JULY COOKIES...SO QUIT TELLING ME HOW GOOD I WAS ABOUT MY WILL POWER HAHA)

....broke out a new icing recipe. I really like mine, but there is always room for improvements. I've got my first paying gig in a few weeks....I'm making 4 dozen Sock Monkey cookies for a friend's little boy's 1st birthday. Wish me well...I've never made 4 dozen decorated once. Whew. I'll post pictures when I'm done.


Caroline said…
I love chalkboard paint!!!
Allison said…
I Neeed to use chalkboard paint in our next house, so fun!
Lori said…
You are so amazingly creative!
LeAnna said…
Love Lily's special wall! Did you use trim, or a frame for it? Adorable!
I think I could go crazy with chalkboard too! I've been wanting to make Colson and Lilly-Belle a chalkboard area too, but I'm not sure on location yet. I have a narrow space in in kitchen, but don't think I can find a frame to fit.

Did you use a ready made frame or moulding to build one?
Amber said…
Oh how fun! I love that you made Lily a place to be creative :) Happy birthday to your hubby! ;)
Stephanie said…
Oh I might need to get some chalkboard paint!!
Rachel said…
I heart chalkboard paint. Last Easter I blew out some eggs and painted them with cute! I' ve also painted fake pumpkins for fall decorations and apples for teacher gifts. Love the kitchen wall idea!
Annie said…
great idea about the watermelon popsicles!! Blake woudl LOVE those....I am going to have to try that!!
Anonymous said…
I love the chalk board wall! Too cool!
Anna said…
I have not done chalkboard on anything yet...but I'm dying to!
Neely said…
I want to have an entire wall in my future house of chalkboard paint!
Stef said…
I need some of that chalkboard paint. My two year old needs a wall to focus all his art work on....instead of writing on every room in the house. And I am not kidding.
As for the bugger...boooger...That is awesome. I love little kids.

(Why have I been away from your blog for so long. What a loser. I'm back now.)
Dianna said…
Adorable pictures! And great idea with the watermelon.

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