Postpartum Transformation...Your Hair

Unless you are Heidi Klum...or Gisele...or heck fire ...maybe you are one of those irritating girls that I talk about behind your back lucky girls that bounce back to your pre-pregnancy figure days after the baby is born....your body takes time to get to where it was. In fact mine has never really gone back to what IT WAS ...whatever IT was. It takes on a whole new shape. Even if the scales say your weight is there...your skin tells you a different story.

Forget skin for a minute...let's talk hair....

You know that gorgeous luscious dark (in my case) shiny hair you get while pregnant? Well that's me....ever wonder what happens to that thick hair after you give birth?

Well it (meaning your head) has decided you don't need that thick hair anymore...that (for me) around 3 months postpartum it will fall out. And not just for a few days...(but for me) about 9 months if not longer.

Lily-ism :"Take your hair off"....translation "Get your hair out of the pony tail and let me twist it and yank it and run my fingers through it because it comforts me."

Lily is a hair twister. Not her own, but mine. Has been since she was a wee little sprout. I've been having that hair loss for about 3 months now. When she yanks my hair chunks fall out. Hubs finds my dark hair everywhere. You should see the towels even after I was them.

Hubs finds then in his undies. He always tells me it's freaky to grab a clean pair of drawers and find ur wife's hair there. haha. I tell ya it's everywhere. The drain looks horrible after a shower. The kids call it the shower monster.

I'm shedding more than the dog.

Or the worst is when the hair starts growing back and ppl think you have cut bangs. NO I DIDN'T CUT THEM UP TO MY HAIR LINE...IT'S CALLED NEW GROWTH PEOPLE .

Wait that's not the worst...The worst is when a piece falls out and is resting on your shoulder...and you think it's a spider...and you keep swatting yourself and your kids think you have officially lost your mind.

I'm not in the new growth stage yet...I'm still in the hair monster stage.

For those that don't experience this wonderful Phase...count your blessings.


Neely said…
I had a long discussion with my best friend who is 6 months postpartum about how much we hate girls who look perfect like 5 days later. LIES!!!!!
LeAnna said…
Yeah, it doesn't matter what the scale says. The skin changes! I have stretch marks to china and back, and my whole torso moved south for the rest of her life. I lose hair from about the 3rd-6th month post partum, mine is finally slowing up. Totally LOL'd about hair in your hubby's undies, because my man would find them EVERYWHERE. He'd wake up in the morning picking hair out of his mouth. Poor fellas.
Oh, and new growth. Beast, it is. Just imagine new growth on your cowlick and voila. That's me. What we do to further the population of the earth... ;)
melifaif said…
I am countin' em. I;ve heard horror stories, but I guess I was lucky enough to have missed that. But the skin....OH, the skin!!!
I feel your pain. I started the new growth phase a few months ago and it looks silly with little sprouts coming from everywhere. Hubbs, too, has to deal with my hair stalking him. In his boxers, in his shirts, even in the shower my hair will find him. And you're totally right. Not only am I not back to my pre-prego weight, I've been stretched in irreversible ways. Le sigh. Part of the wonder of bringing a new life into the world...or something.
Caroline said…
Oh, no! Now, I'm scared for my hair. Thankfully, it's blonde.
dottie said…
LOL! My hair is STILL falling out and we are now approaching the one year mark. Geez.

I hate the whole 'it's on your shirt somewhere but you can't really tell, so you think its a bug trying to eat you' bit. Ha!
Joanne said…
I LOVE the hair falling out stage. Mostly because it finally thins out to "normal-ish".

Post-preggo or not, I always shed.
take biotin! It ROCKS! my hair is growing like a weed and it is so strong and thick!
Erin said…
I never realized that your hair fell out, but MAN did mine ever. . . I think FINALLY my little baby hairs along my hair line are more the length of bangs. But now that I am almost 6 months preggo . . . I know it will fall out all over again. Oh well . . . worth it, even all the gross clumps you find all over the house :)
Unknown said…
I am totally losing my hair as well. And while I did lose my baby weight and then some within a month, that doesn't mean I was fit and trim. I still have the strange shaped tummy and gained back 10 pounds when I went back to work. ARG!
Amanda said…
I've never been blessed to have a baby - but you certainly had me cracking up today! Especially about the spider thing! Ha! I do that already - I'm doomed!
Yes! The "new bangs" were always my least favorite part...they were weird and curly and took forever to grow out! I need to remember this because it will happen again once we have a third bebe!
Anonymous said…
Oh I hated it when that happened! I'm SOO hoping that maybe I won't lose so much this time. It got so thick with my son too, and then it all fell out. It didn't change much with my daughter, so hopefuly I won't lose any!
Also feel your pain! Especially loved the comment about feeling the hair on your shoulder and thinking it's a spider - I SO do that!
Lori said…
Okay for me the hair falling out was not bad, but the GROWING BACK was awful, mainly because I lost hair somewhere where my bangs should be so it was a spiky weird look. BOO!
Stef said…
Okay, is it wrong that I was busting up when you said your husband found some in his undies. That's funny.
I'm mostly waiting for the weight to fall off. It's not working. Sigh....
carissa said…
i'm right there with you. considering though, that my babes are now 1 and 2 i'm wondering if this is my new normal?!
Angie said…
I completely feel you here. Ughh! Hairs gross me out and when I shed I am disgusted by myself. I think I still shed and I had Hayden 3 years ago.
It is normal to lose a hundred strands of hair per day, but this increases to some degree after pregnancy. This is because most of your hair goes into resting or telogen phase after you are pregnant giving you those healthy locks. These and more were explained to my sister by a hair doctor she consulted after experience hair loss after her first baby born.

Australian Institute of Hair Restoration

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