Can You Say MOOOO for Free FOOOOOOd?

(Oldest child isn't too thrilled, but he loved the free food)

My dear fellow blogger Denise at Together We Save has awesome postings of great stuff daily....she alerted us to the Cow Appreciation Day at our favorite Chick-Fil-A today. Dress up like a cow head to toe and get a free meal. Not a free sandwich...a free meal! So I loaded up what kids I could find around the house and off we went!

Yes we looked like dorks, but when my family just saved $30 and the ppl behind us paid full price...who's Moooing now? HA!

Let's just say we rock and had fun to boot!

Happy head off to Chick-Fil-A's website and print off the cow pattern and head there for dinner! Free Friday dinner for the family!

ON ANOTHER GREAT NOTE...when we got home from eating the UPS man was at the house...can you say HELLO CANON CAMERA? It came today! WOOHOO
Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Hannah said…
Ok, too cool! I would totally make my family dress up too! Free food is awesome! You all look so cute! I love it!
Drew's Mom said…
That is too funny.. but so worth it for the free food! and Yay for the camera!!
Kelly Marie said…
Y'all look so cute!! & that sounds like it would be wicked fun haha!!
Caitrin said…
HILARIOUS!!! Love this picture! And way to go to on the free food! But whats even more exciting is that you finally got your camera back!!! YAY!
Laura Beth said…
I seriously have our shirts made and ready to go for dinner time! i thought it was just the local chicfila?!?! SCORE!! :) Would it be bad if we went to two and kept tomorrows for lunch tomorrow? jk. sorta.
Ashley said…
This post made my day.

You are the best mom ever!

Yay on the camera!
Oh my... I love it!! That is so awesome. Thanks so much for mentioning me... this has just not been my week! Thanks for the smile!
Ashley said…
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Anonymous said…
Too funny but totally awesome at the same time! We love CFA, but it's a pretty good drive from our house to get there. I'm jealous!
Angie said…
Yippee! Camera back home and free food!! Double bonus day :))
Shannon said…
How fun are you guys!? Love it!
Annie said…
ha....I love it :)
haha omg!! i heard about this on klove today! how funny!!! you guys are awesome. what cute cows. hehe.
Unknown said…
We rode by our CFA & saw a group of children (like day care) all dressed up! Our CFA does promotions like this all the time!
I love that you sent me this photo earlier! It truly made my day and gave me a great laugh!!
You are far too cute I'm all for a free meal!
A friend of mine on fb had a picture of her neices and nephews and her daughter all dressed as cows. I didn't know why? But that is so cute. I love the idea. Chic fil a is the best. You guys look adorable.
HBrummett said…
Hey there! I love your blog! I found you on the Texas Blogging Gals blog list. I am now following you. It is great to find you! I hope you will visit me at Have a wonderful weekend! Heather
Stef said…
You guys look cute!! Ha. And can't wait to see some of those pictures!! You know...the ones that you are going to take now that you have the picture-taker back!
carissa said…
you are the cutest cows i've ever seen! seriously, i'd do just about anything to get free chick-fil-a!
LeAnna said…
You guys look too cute! The look on Oldest boy's face CRACKS ME UP! He'll make some girl a fine husband one day, just for being willing to do this! ;)
OMG, that's hilarious. We were at the Chick Fri. night and saw a bunch of you peeps there and had no idea what was going on. Ah ha ha. So cute!
Vanessa said…
Yay! for the camera and Yay! for Chick-fil-A! I got the girls dressed up for their free meals -- maybe next year I'll do it as well!
LJO said…
Love that your older boy did it. It's pure awesomeness that you had not only a free meal but also your camera arrived:)
Amber said…
I love this! Way too cute - although I'm sure your oldest son was a little less than thrilled!
I left you an award on my blog today! :)
New Mommy!!! said…
Love the shirts. Totally worth it to feed your fam for free!!

Adorable pics!! Glad your camera is back!! Bet you missed it!

Hope you're feeling well!!
New Mommy!!! said…
Love the shirts. Totally worth it to feed your fam for free!!

Adorable pics!! Glad your camera is back!! Bet you missed it!

Hope you're feeling well!!

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