Home Tour Tuesday: I'm Thankful For......

Today is .......what we are thankful for around the house...and hubs and kids are off limits!
Mine were super easy!
1. Having 2 washers and Dryers
Keep in mind when hubs and I married we both had a set. Why sell one right?! So we just put an extra hookup in the garage! I tell you it's been the greatest thing in the world! When you have a big family the extra machines help! (I will admit that there are times I have forgotten loads out there and have had to restart many many times)
One day I'll get around to decorating the laundry room. I would love a cheery place to stand and fold multiple loads a day! I'm thankful for a utility room that is big enough to stand in. The last one was a challenge. Now I have an extra fridge and even another storage/pantry shelf in there too! The only thing missing is a sink! :o)
As for the garage..hey it's a garage....I'm thankful for the Ikea shelf for extra storage of pool towels and reusable sacks! (thanks to this picture..it made me realize trash day is today and so now the picture would be void of trash cans if I had waited and taken the picture later...sorry...keeping it real hahahaha)
2. The kids Cubby/Shoe Storage area
There was just a bench there....what's a mom to do? Get cubbies! Each kid (including Reid...well he will when the oldest compresses his 2 far right cubbies into one!) This is when you walk in the door from the garage...each kid has a bucket underneath for shoes....but as you can see they find their way up too! The coats and lunches and schoolwork go in the upper cubbies...w/hats and gloves on top in a bowl! No more searching. I thought this would stop the "MOM WHERE ARE MY SHOES, LUNCH OR COAT....." but ah nope! A girl can try!
My usual answer "Check your cubby....because that's where it should be"

Thanks for linking up. P.s. love that L is in the picture, too fun!
And the shoe cubby....love it! LOVE IT! I need it and that precious baby to go with it:)
Hope that your day is blessed!
Hi LILY! Be good for your Mom. Ok?!
And I forgot to link up! Next week.
And your cubbies are great!! I love the sign above them too!
Thanks for your comment...we have always wanted a cross wall...we have all the crosses but can't decide on a good spot! Yours sounds great!