DQ...My Mum
DQ= Drama Queen = My Mum
She's one of those ones that when you're driving in the car and she sees a car a million miles braking...she'll scream "look out that car is stopping" She gives drivers heart attacks everywhere.
She will hear a loud noise and scream..which startles anyone else around her too.
2nd child used to have a weak stomach...or something...he could just puke when the wind changed....or when he got nervous. Which brings me to my next Momma DQ story.
About 4 yrs ago a tornado was coming into town....we had no idea...my parents came in for the weekend and we all went to dinner....During dinner we hear the Weather Sirens going off outside to alert us something heading our way....we looked at the televisions in the bar and noticed a tornado was near....I thought it best to just keep eating and stay put, but hubs thought we should hit the road. Little did we know we were driving into it....the hail was huge and nailing our car...we could barely see and couldn't find an underpass to get under. As a parent you don't panic or your children will...All I'm thinking of is that the hail is going to smash the windows and we'll get cut.
(family in back of suburban strapped in..hubs and i in front) I look at him w/that..."WOW this looks bad" look. My mom starts doing her DQ act..."OHHHH WOW this is horrible...omg...where do you think it is...omg. omg ..omg maybe we should pull over." I turn around to shush her.
She keeps at it....All of the sudden you hear
Yep 2nd child is puking his guts out! Thanks DQ...she had to clean it up when we got home b/c she was the one freaking out.
So my dear mum is in town for the week to visit!
We went to Wally World for some things and upon walking out a car (5 rows away) decided to peel out. My mom screams! She wants to call the cops b/c the truck was driving reckless in the parking lot. When we got home the kids were telling hubs how Mee Mee freaked out and screamed b/c of the car. She tells the story and her version is the truck was next to us and we were all gonna die!
A few nights ago we took Lily on a walk down to the pond to see the ducks...We're looking down at the water and I notice a snake...totally cool...the kids see them all the time in the water but I have yet to ....So I'm like..."heyyyyyyyyyyy let's follow him to the other side of the bridge."

We run across the street to wait for him to swim under and that's when my mom and I notice a few more lurking in the bushes below waiting for it's prey (fishes or turtles) DQ is totally freaking out. Keep in mind this is under a bridge by the creek...almost impossible to try and get down to w/o getting injured..so no sane person would try....notice I said sane!
DQ-"Don't you ever ever let the kids swim in this" (ok why would I let them swim in the nasty lake in the first place)
DQ-"those could bite the kids...don't let them get one" (Ok why would I let the kids catch one of these snakes to play with?)
DQ-"ohhh I'm freaking out let's go before they move"
So we continue w/our walk to another lake to see the ducks and I can't resist
DQ (jumps and screams)
Me "haha ...sorry ...there isn't one...I couldn't help it"
so of course the rest of the way home I'm shouting "SNAKE" to get a rise out of my mom! She's so easy to fool!
I love this woman!!!
She's one of those ones that when you're driving in the car and she sees a car a million miles braking...she'll scream "look out that car is stopping" She gives drivers heart attacks everywhere.
She will hear a loud noise and scream..which startles anyone else around her too.
2nd child used to have a weak stomach...or something...he could just puke when the wind changed....or when he got nervous. Which brings me to my next Momma DQ story.
About 4 yrs ago a tornado was coming into town....we had no idea...my parents came in for the weekend and we all went to dinner....During dinner we hear the Weather Sirens going off outside to alert us something heading our way....we looked at the televisions in the bar and noticed a tornado was near....I thought it best to just keep eating and stay put, but hubs thought we should hit the road. Little did we know we were driving into it....the hail was huge and nailing our car...we could barely see and couldn't find an underpass to get under. As a parent you don't panic or your children will...All I'm thinking of is that the hail is going to smash the windows and we'll get cut.
(family in back of suburban strapped in..hubs and i in front) I look at him w/that..."WOW this looks bad" look. My mom starts doing her DQ act..."OHHHH WOW this is horrible...omg...where do you think it is...omg. omg ..omg maybe we should pull over." I turn around to shush her.
She keeps at it....All of the sudden you hear
Yep 2nd child is puking his guts out! Thanks DQ...she had to clean it up when we got home b/c she was the one freaking out.
So my dear mum is in town for the week to visit!
We went to Wally World for some things and upon walking out a car (5 rows away) decided to peel out. My mom screams! She wants to call the cops b/c the truck was driving reckless in the parking lot. When we got home the kids were telling hubs how Mee Mee freaked out and screamed b/c of the car. She tells the story and her version is the truck was next to us and we were all gonna die!
A few nights ago we took Lily on a walk down to the pond to see the ducks...We're looking down at the water and I notice a snake...totally cool...the kids see them all the time in the water but I have yet to ....So I'm like..."heyyyyyyyyyyy let's follow him to the other side of the bridge."
We run across the street to wait for him to swim under and that's when my mom and I notice a few more lurking in the bushes below waiting for it's prey (fishes or turtles) DQ is totally freaking out. Keep in mind this is under a bridge by the creek...almost impossible to try and get down to w/o getting injured..so no sane person would try....notice I said sane!
DQ-"Don't you ever ever let the kids swim in this" (ok why would I let them swim in the nasty lake in the first place)
DQ-"those could bite the kids...don't let them get one" (Ok why would I let the kids catch one of these snakes to play with?)
DQ-"ohhh I'm freaking out let's go before they move"
So we continue w/our walk to another lake to see the ducks and I can't resist
DQ (jumps and screams)
Me "haha ...sorry ...there isn't one...I couldn't help it"
so of course the rest of the way home I'm shouting "SNAKE" to get a rise out of my mom! She's so easy to fool!
I love this woman!!!

Scroll down a little ways until you see Venomous Water Snakes... I think there's a littttttle bit of reason to be concerned... Might do some more research on it though, since I don't know what area you all are in. Just thought I would bring that to your attention :)
You should do a vlog of scaring your mom. Itd be really funny :)
all serious...yes we know they are water moccasins...we don't let our kids in the creek or lakes to swim....i grew up w/water moccasins/cottonmouth snakes...we know all too well the dangers! :o)
Cracks me up. Your mom sounds like quite the character. :)