Dirt.....In it's Finest!
A handful of years ago Mini Me told me something...
Mini Me "Mommy...?"
Me "yes honey"
Mini Me "Did you know my eyes are the color of the sky?"
Me "Yes they are as beautiful as the bluest skies or the deepest of blue oceans"
Mini Me "Mommy ...yours are the color of dirt"
Me (deep sigh) "yes honey...yes they are"
I've always dreamed of having something other than plain brown eyes....I have 4 kids and can you believe not 1 of them have brown? My father has gorgeous blue eyes and my mom has brown (like dirt too)
I'll never forget the time (forgive me mother) that my dear mom wanted to get colored contacts to change her eye color. She went for blue and we all died laughing. She looked like she had huge cataracts! She was sooo mad at us for laughing...but thankfully never wore them in public! I thought that one day when I was a mommy I'd have children with brown eyes and they would be plain jane's or joe's.
I will never forget being in grade school and kids would ask if I saw in everything in brown. Odd at the time I didn't say back "No do you see everything in green or blue?"
It wasn't until I met my hubs. His favorite country girl singer at the time was Sara Evans and she had brown eyes. One of her songs at the time was about a brown eyed boy. He made me feel soooo special. Said he knew out of all the women in the world he would marry a brown eyed girl! (think of all the other songs out there about us plain jane's) So a brown eyed boy married a brown eyed girl and had a little princess with green eyes! (Lily) Wonder what # 5 or 6 will have? What are the odds not brown? Btw ...hubs are not the color of dirt...his are like the light brown M&M's they no longer seem to make in the packages!
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I was totally gonna say something about m&m eyes. And then you said it !!
We used to say that all the time about a cute boy in 5th grade. He had the greatest m&m eyes ever! I never thought about them looking like dirt!
Kids are a hoot! They come up with the silliest things:)
Now husband man has blue eyes and brown hair, that's what I want our kids to have, brown hair and blue eyes. But one of them needs brown eyes!
Thanks for visiting Mommywood! :)