Jolly Ol Saint Nick....and a Lil Screamer....

I don't have any recent pics of Reid sitting on Santa's lap....Mainly b/c I tried to steer clear of all malls this holiday. So basically I don't have ANY pics of Reid screaming on Santa's lap. Really all you have to do it hand him to someone other than me and he screams....(close your eyes and picture)

I love love looking at everyone's photos of their kids screaming on the fat man's lap...I mean the poor chap gets cried on more times than not...maybe we should be taking him gifts instead of the other way around.

Kate reminded me of the photo I have of Lily on her second Christmas.....We had gone to the main street to check out the lights and listen to the music....there I spotted THE jolly ol man and thrusted (is that a word?) Lily upon him.....makes you feel horrible for snapping a picture of your screaming child desperately reaching for you....but you know you feel compelled b/c you are laughing so hard that you need to capture the moment....

Here's my moment


I can't stop laughing......


Joanne said…
Bahahaha! Mattias is the same way. If anyone even looks at him, he grabs onto me a little more tightly. The Santa that came to Elise's pre-school kept grabbing for him to come sit on his lap and Mattias would start screaming everytime the old guy made a move!
That is so cute! Haha! I love it. I took Lainey to see Santa and she's so young it didn't phase her one bit.

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Reid cried when I held him ... ugh! But I bet next time I see him, he will be better!!

Funny picture of Lily and Miss Kate!!! She is NOT happy!!
hahaha! I love that you're posting an old picture just so you could enjoy a laugh. These are seriously the best pictures, aren't they?!

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