It's Always About Her....


Lily of course....


I realized I forgot to brush her teeth the other night....I mean come on it can happen...the house is a crazy mad mess after 7. (anywho...I'm making excuses for my bad parenting)

The next morning I told Lily we needed to get in there and brush her toothies or they would fall out. Her response?

"That's ok mommy....the tooth fairy will bring me lots of money for my teef. I'm never gonna brush them again then"

(ummmm that wasn't what I was going for)

Lily...this girl is always telling me she loves me....and that I'm her bestest girl.

Lily: "Mommy ....I love you very much. You're my bestest gurl e-va. Now look away....I need to sneak into the pantry and get candy"

I usually have to wonder why it is she is telling me I'm her bestest girl....there's usually an alterior motive.

Or my favorite....You remember we co-sleep with this little princess right?

me....sleeping peacefully

Lily: "Mommy .......Mommy......You awake? Here smell my breath....(blows) Was that stinky?"

I'm awake I'm awake!


Kristen said…
You need to make a book of Lily-isms and give it to her when she becomes a Mom :-)
Dianna said…
So hilarious!!! It is great that you document all of these because they will be fun to look back on!
Caroline said…
She trips me out! Cutie pie!
Annie said…
She's great!! What a little pistol!! :)
Katie said… love LOVE that picture of her :)
LeAnna said…
Oh, that Lily! I agree, you definitely need to make them into a little book and give it to her at her first baby shower. :)
Stef said…
Hahaha. That is funny. I love LOVE that picture of her. Too cute.
Yeah, Briggy's new thing is, "You are not my friend!!" if ever I say anything that is not 100% in agreement with what he wants. Sigh...

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