Refresher Course With Newborns....

I like reflecting back in my blog to the year I had Lily.....It had been 7 yrs between Mini Me and Lily and some things come back to you and some things don't. I guess parenthood is like riding a bike...once you start again you get the hang of it (grins)

Here are some things I wrote back then that still hold true...

Newborn Poo......

  • Newborn poo can shoot up to or over 5 feet
  • Newborn poo is the color of French's Yellow mustard
  • They say breastfed poo has mustard seeds...they are crazy...I don't know what those are...but not seeds
  • Newborn poo smells like buttered popcorn
  • Newborns are talented...they wait until you put a fresh diaper on them and load up another one
  • Newborns are talented...they also wait until the diaper is off of them...while you are reaching for another clean one ...just so they can poo all over the fresh diaper and changing table
  • Newborn poo can go everywhere but in the diaper
  • Newborns seem to have a perfect knack for waiting to make the biggest messes during the middle of the night right after you finally got them to sleep!

Tricks I definitely did not lose on my 7 year hiatus of not having a new baby around....
(and these are still holding true)

  • Standing up nursing while cooking dinner
  • Picking up objects w/my feet w/o having to bend over
  • Holding my breath for long periods of time in order to not wake a sleeping baby
  • Sleep in spurts
  • Hold my bladder b/c you don't have a moment to sit down
  • Change a diaper on my lap
One blog entry I wish I didn't read was the 2 week one of Lily...I said how I was 3 lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight....OHHH HELLLLLLLLLLLO.
Granted Reid won't be 2 weeks until next tues but as of today I am 15lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight. I suck back then! Now granted .....with Lily I only gained 31lbs and with Reid I gained 40.....bah! (makes note to quit reading my past blogs entries)

I promise I am reading blogs...I just don't always comment b/c at the time I'm nursing a babe while reading and it's hard to respond with 1 hand! :o)


LOVE this post! I don't have kids but I am no stranger to holding my breath in order not to wake a sleeping babe!
I have witnessed the Cunning talents of newborns. They know when their diaper is off and that is when they go for the kill!! You have some skills, way to be!
Neely said…
Thinking of you and the fam!
Shannon said…
Awww, the days of explosive newborn poop! Actually GG is kind enough to take us down memory lane every now and again so changing a bomb of a diaper is something we're still pretty good at. TMI, I know...

Thinking of y'all!
LeAnna said…
Yes and Amen to all of this. I'm refusing to read back when Q was little. Nope, not gonna do it. ;) My poor kid already has 2nd child syndrome, I never blog about her unless it's a picture. HAHA!
Caroline said…
I learned so much about newborn poop. I never knew this. And I am sure you're one hot momma still!!!
Kelly said…
Well 15 lbs is definitely a manageable weight to get back to!! Maybe just not in such a short amount of time - totally have faith you can do it easily :)
Unknown said…
This post just cracks me up! The newborn poo stuff, so funny but so true! HAHAHA! only gained 15 lbs?!?! Lucky dog..I gained around 50, soooo...yeah!
The Regal Pup said…
Do you at least find it a wee bit easier w/ each baby? I am nervous to have another! It sounds like you are doing great though :) Hang in there!
Love the truth of babies but this mustard seed from breast feeding is quite strange!
Mama K said…
Great post! And thanks for the info the other day! I really appreciate it! I have always been pro epidural/hospital birth, but maybe next time I could try it give me hope!
Kenj said…
I love this post. You dont cover anything up, so real.
Anonymous said…
Haha! Too funny!
The Herd said…
You are so hilarious...some people have taken years to get back to preprego weight! Give yourself some time-plus, my experience is--bigger baby--more water gain! more time!!
Lauren said…
you can nurse WHILE cooking dinner??! uh, supermom!!
Stef said…
The amount bowel strength those little ones have is truly amazing..
I am mostly amazed that you are already blogging. It takes me a month to even brush my teeth. You are blogging. Again, not worthy.
Give him a kiss from us!
mountain mama said…
and i thought i was the only one brave enough to nurse while cooking...hee hee.

yes, everything you said rings a bell. even the poop and the 5 ft and picking things up with feet.

:) have a great weekend~
Dana said…
Oh the poop!! My son always waited until the worst moment possible to have major blowouts!! Now I get to look forward to 2 babies exploding poop!

Ugh I wish I was one of those people who could go right back to pre-pregnancy weight. It took me a year after I had my son. This time I have no idea. Hope you get there soon!

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