Holding to Traditions...Advent Time
Advent Season is drawing near and for the past 7 years we have had our own little family Advent candle lighting with the kids.
Here is a photo of when Lily was just a few months old
Here is a photo of when Lily was just a few months old
When we first started this really none of the kids listened and our lesson time was quick...then treat.
Things have gotten great with the older kids....but enter in Lily, Reid and now Cole....we are back to chaos during lesson again.
We do our Advent time on Monday night....I felt this helped kick start our week....
Every year I plan a treat and drink for the night....and each treat is usually a NEW treat that I've never made for them before.
Last night I got out my books and came up with this
Dec 3
Gingerbread and cider
Dec 10th
Hungarian Treats and Holiday Milk (thank you Target)
Dec 17th
Pull Apart Monkey Bread and Hot Chocolate
Dec 23rd
Family will be in town....so we will do a group one
We try to have an activity with the lesson and then snacks last. I used to do snacks first, but they were too busy eating and talking about the treats and they didn't listen.
I had to let go of all of my expectations of the "perfect" family Advent.
In my mind the children sat around the table listening to hubs and I share the Word of the season. They would all be gazing lovely at us and nod and participate when asked questions. They would bow and pray and then cheerfully eat the snack and then we would light the candle in the dark.
What really happened?
The kids barely sit in their seat...I'm screaming SIT DOWN OR NO FOOD
Then when we started talking the kids would start talking and then I'm screaming HUSH UP AND LISTEN OR NO FOOD
Then when we would light the candle, there are fights over who gets to light it...who turns out the lights ....and who blows the candle out. I'm screaming....HUSH SIT SETTLE QUIT FIGHTING AND NO ONE IS TOUCHING FIRE BUT ME.
Sorry here keeping it real....it's massive chaos.
But I keep doing it every year.
Why? Because teaching our children the Gospel in the home is important to me. That's where faith should start....with you and your husband. Church and other Christian activities are equally important, but I want the center to be from within the home.
My children look forward to this tradition every year.
Each year when I bring the Wreath out they get excited talking about last year and (what else) the treats.
I've learned with a big family and lots of kids that shake and roll...you just have to make it short and sweet!!
I'm a tad bummed...I've lost my Advent Notebook I've been keeping with all my notes and stories in it...
Looks like I'm starting fresh this year.
Looks like I'm starting fresh this year.
I'm off to paint now...I've been making some 5, 4, and 3 foot wooden trees...I'm covered in green paint...Kelly Green color....I'm a hoot! Stay tuned for pictures. I should have the DIY for Wednesday!