Parent of the Year Award to...

Well not me....

So yesterday I was in the garage painting during the 2 babies (ok Reid isn't a baby but...) 

I've got this tree project I'm doing and let's face it...with all the kids and household duties I only have so often to tackle things....

I told Lily I would be in the garage and she could come visit with me...she would....and then go back in the house to play games...and then back to visit.  I would also pop my head in and listen for the babies to wake from their nap.

I popped my head in and heard Cole screaming (looked at clock and it's only been 45 mins of a 2 hr nap)

I see Lily sitting on the couch with a smile on her face

I head upstairs and find Cole on his back (he's a belly sleeper) screaming...I pick him up and come downstairs.  

What does any mother do?

I asked Lily if she went into Cole's room...she said yes.
I asked her if she flipped him on his back ....she said yes. 

I scolded her for going into his room without asking.  She knows better than to go upstairs when the boys or baby is sleeping.

I got a very irritated Cole calmed down....and asked her again why she wanted to go in his room and turn him over.

She said she didn't.  


But you just said you did.  

I didn't go in his room mommy.

Now I'm disappointed she lied to me.

So I made her sit out for lying.  

I sat and pondered her answers....when she said she went into his room she was smiling...and when she told me she didn't she seemed so serious.  I was sooo confused.

I told hubs later that Lily lied to me and I was bothered by her trying to cover since she was in trouble.

He had a talking with her too.

Later that night I went to put Cole in for an evening nap.

Sure enough I hear him screaming again and I go in there and what do I find?

He's flipped on his back again.


Lily wasn't even one was.


Cole is now rolling and I blamed my 4 yr old for lying.

Deep sigh. 

Needless to say I had a lot of Mommy is sooo sorry.  You were telling Mommy the truth.  Can I have a hug? etc...

It's bothered me all night and day

Moral...Sometimes your kids do tell the truth even when it doesn't seem like it.



I have yet to see him roll....He only seems to do it when in his crib. 

Last night I stood over his crib for 20 mins waiting for him to roll.

I'd leave the room and he would do it.

Crazy kid


Caroline said…
Don't be so hard on yourself. Anyone would have done the same thing! Yay for L not lying and yay for C turning into a big boy! xoxoxox

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