It's Coming Off Tomorrow...WOOHOO
check this nasty thing out....
Needless to say I'm not a cast kind of person when it comes to little ppl. I've been utterly grossed out from the beginning. I mean germs people. 3 times a day I try to clean those precious little fingers.
She has done terrific with it....Still leaping and jumping off of anything and everything. This child will be the death of me. She crawls on the ground after the dog ...freaks me out!
Wish us well tomorrow...I'm not sure how the saw sound is going to fly w/Wild Thang....(or how on earth they don't cut skin...shesh! again...freaking out!)
Wild Thang Lily is growing in leaps and bounds...just like last week (it seems) she went from speaking a few word sentences to blowing us away w/her language. Branden and I will look at each other in awe and say "Did she just say what I think she said?" haha
Her manners are incredible. She had been using the Thanks and Please perfectly...and a few days ago the "Yo Welcome" came the appropriate time. WOW. Good girl. The other day I asked if she was ready for bed....I got "No tank (thank) you Momma" haha Gotta hug her for good manners again!
She loves to say "come here momma...get a go seepy night night on me" haha...
Or when she chases the dog saying "COM BAC HERE SO I CAN GET YOU"
She will count....4, 3, 2, 1 ....Bast (blast) off when running around.
Everything she sees is Beautiful! My favorite is when it's time to get dressed...we will walk in her closet to pick out clothes....she'll say "Ohhhh's beeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-uti-ful" haha
She's been watching a little too much Ni Hao Kai Lan over break...she said hello in Chinese the other day to her animals and I caught her counting in Chinese in her closet while looking at her clothes. Hubs wants us to buy a French tape and have her speaking French. That will come in handy when we travel to Europe *as if we will ever get to go*. I tell you they are little sponges at this age!
She sings makes my heart swell!
Her understanding of commands is impeccable too! This child can do hard tasks w/multiple commands....I'm impressed. (If only I can get the big kids to follow suit)
The other day we caught her lining her rubber ducks in a row...biggest to smallest. (gets that from her dad)
As for me and baby Reid...he's cooking right a bit of a scare last night...I had contractions from about 7ish to 10pm....I think it was stress...had my midwife appt yesterday and she told me the baby feels huge. UMMMM hello...huge and birthing don't mix well with me. So now I'm def on a low carb low sugar diet. I failed yesterday and failed this morning (typed while drinking my coffee w/peppermint mocha creamer)...I suck at low carb/low sugar. I'm a pregnant chick for pete's sake. Lunch I'll do awesome...I've got some grilled chicken and salad....and dinner we're making a soup! Midwife also thinks I won't make it to my due date. Little does everyone know I need to. I've got 4 other kids...1 of which *Mini Me* has a bday on the 26th of Jan.....
I got hooked up to the machine at my appt to monitor his heart rate and movements (standard) and it was awesome to watch it. His heart rate would increase when he heard me talking to lily...made me smile! Can't wait to see the little guy!
Add to the mix that I'm in a panic of my skin cancer yet again. Back in 2005 I had a stage 2 on my leg...nice 4" scar to remind me. I pretty much stay out of the sun..take the kids to the pool after 7pm...slather in $$ 30 spf lotion on a daily basis....summer of 09 I got another spot ...this time stage 1 on my other leg. It doesn't run in the family and I don't fall under the norm of it either...(not a tanning bed chick and don't bake every chance I get) I don't have a job outdoors etc...soooooo
Well a few weeks ago I had a spot on my arm itch and scab over...HELLOOOOOOOOOOO THAT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN. I went into panic mode and ran to my awesome dermatologist....had 4 places removed that were questionable. I'm waiting by the phone for the results. I'm sick to my stomach with worry....what sucks even more? I didn't get lidocaine to numb before removing (pregnant)...1 had to have stitches....Granted I do natural childbirth but...... *deep breath*
to add insult to the injury...I'm allergic to neosporin type products...I forgot to remind her...she put it on before the band-aid...guess who blistered? Yep me...this was last wed...look at my cheek and leg (stitches look like little flies haha) I've been itching and hurting since wed....My fault...I just wasn't thinking.....the one on my chest broke out in tiny blisters and then popped....lovely that it is right were your bra strap sits....GOOD TIMES....funny enough the one I'm sooo worried about on my arm has done beautifully. I tell myself figures the one that is bad heals the best....
(you never realize how many freckles you have until you take a close up w/no make up on)
I look like I have ring worm on my cheek!
Hopefully all the worry in my gut is nothing...I'm still looking forward to a phone call either way.
As for our Christmas time....we had a terrific visit w/all the family over Christmas.....I can't believe it's over.....(and guess who didn't take a single picture...yep me...overwhelmed I guess)
I made 22 of these bad little boys though. The kids and adults ate him up! He was super duper easy to make (only time consuming was rolling all the balls...esp if you are making 22 of them)
Those cookies are precious!
Lovin' those cookies...yum!
Sorry about your derm appt. that's definitely no fun (keep me posted, friend)!
You need to rest up and relax! No over doing it for you!
Oh and overnight me some of your cookies please...only a few days left to eat what I want before I really start watching what I eat (watch it go in my mouth, really!)...haha!
*Those Santa cookies are ADORABLE!
Have a great week :)