I've Been Doing it over 5 Years Straight....
It's no known secret that I am a long term nursing momma
I've nursed 6 kids and suffered with every issue you can imagine that comes with nursing (except thrush)
Bleeding nipples, check
Bleeding nipples, check
Cracked nipples, check
Engorgement for weeks, check
Tender to touch, check
Baby refusing one side, check
Latching issues, check
Blocked duct, check
Sick with flu, check..oh wait breast issues
Point is...Ive been sick as a dog, bone tired, multiple children to care for, but I still KNEW the benefits of how great it was to nurse my babes
Point is...Ive been sick as a dog, bone tired, multiple children to care for, but I still KNEW the benefits of how great it was to nurse my babes
I have had weeks were my nipples were cracked and healing. You think...how the heck am I supposed to heal my nipple if he nurses on a million times a day. It does trust me
The pain sometimes makes you see stars, but in the end after things heal it's heaven bliss
The pain sometimes makes you see stars, but in the end after things heal it's heaven bliss
I will sometimes sit there in the rocker staring at this beautiful child nursing. Her little hand will reach up to play with my hair and twirl it. Her little eyes glaze over with sleepiness and I watch her sleep and eat. My heart swells each time. Yes, 5 years later I still swoon!!!
I've been nursing for over 5 years straight since September 26th. I nursed #4 through #5 preg and then the 2 kids together. Then I nursed #5 through #6 preg and the 2 together. I am down to 1 baby now. #6 turns 18m on Feb 8th and I'm not sure he is going to be weaning anytime soon.....I pray he doesn't.
The benefits outweigh the cons.
I've run across a few blogs in the past that talk about benefits
If you are on the fence about nursing....hopefully reading other blogs with nursing momma's or talking with friends will encourage you to try. There is a huge network of women out there to help you with all your questions and problems. Just don't be afraid to ask!!!
Thanks to Crunchy Farm Baby for sharing this
For those of you who are still breastfeeding your toddler or thinking
about extended breastfeeding, here are some of the many benefits to your
little one to be on mama milk as long as possible:
~ Breast milk continues to provide rapidly growing toddlers with a great
source of nutrition. The fat and energy contents in breast milk cannot
be matched in formulas or cereals found on store shelves. As quickly
as their little bodies are growing and changing and moving, breast milk
is the best source of energy, vitamins, and nutrition for them!
~ Numerous studies have shown that disease and illness prevention is
directly related to extended breastfeeding. Breastfed toddlers have
fewer illnesses, shorter duration when they do get sick, and an overall
lower mortality rate. Actually - some of the antibodies that are found
in breast milk increase during the second year of a baby's life!
I can certainly attest to this - at 14 months, Charlie has never been
sick, even when Daddy has brought a cold home from school more than
~ Children that are breastfed the longest show higher overall IQs than
their peers who were formula fed or breastfed for a shorter duration.
With as much information as I know is being absorbed into Charlie's
busy little mind, I'm very happy to know that my breast milk is helping
with his intellectual development!
~ Despite social arguments that breastfeeding causes "attachment
issues," quite the opposite is true. Studies show that children who are
breastfed into toddlerhood are more independent, have better social
skills, and are better at coping with stressful situations. At 14
months, most of the reason Charlie nurses throughout the day is for
comfort. It is a wonderful way for him to cope with pain or anger or
frustration - it's a great bonding tool and the perfect way for me to
meet his emotional needs.
Oh, did you think that there were only benefits for your baby? Wrong!
Mamas benefit from extended breastfeeding too! Breastfeeding has shown
to protect against a myriad of diseases, including ovarian cancer,
breast cancer, uterine cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis,
diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and more!
Want to learn more about the benefits of extended breastfeeding for mama
and toddler? Check out my favorite breastfeeding resource, Kelly Mom.