Guess What? Today Could Be It....

Well yesterday about 9pm I started having 11pm they were pretty good and hubs and I were standing in the kitchen.  I was telling him how I forgotten how contractions felt and now I remembered....I decided I changed my mind on having a 6th baby.  He grins "too late for that".  I started to make my list of things to pack and then realized reality is setting in...

By 2 am I swore we wouldn't make it to 6am......(that's what you get for swearing)

I fell asleep finally around 4am in between contractions....only to wake before 6am.....and they weren't as intense.  


But here I sit at home....having one every 15 mins or so......(it's 11:25)

I figure either I am in for a long haul....or I'm in for a long haul

Promise to keep you posted!  Weeeeeeee

I wonder if I see my boy today!!! 


Dianna said…
Yay!! I hope today is your day and I hope it is fast!
Jessi said…
Yay!! So excited!!
I hope you do get to see your baby boy today!! My thoughts are with you! :)
jen said…
Can you hear my squeal from AZ? Good luck and we can't wait either!
Anna said…
Woohoo I hope he comes today!!
Stef said…
I will keep my fingers and toes crossed that you are in for the long in baby comes today!!!
Jumping Jack said…
Guessing by now you havent seen that sweet baby.
Maybe he'll be an 8/8 baby after all!

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