What I've Been Up To...

Absolutely NOTHING.
The big kids have been at camp all week....
So I haven't cooked...grocery shopped....cleaned...(yep you read that right...bring it on)....I've done maybe...1 load of dishes a day....vs my 4-5.....not one project that I've needed to get done....(I think I have done laundry...except now that I think of it I forgot the load in the garage...since like Monday...ewww)

Yes....the 2 other kids are still alive and here.  Just they are easier to feed...since they don't eat much...and don't require anything but my attention....I've colored a million pictures....read a million books....play princess castle  (I always had to be prince though) and chased kids around.  My neighbor brought a huge sack of boy toys she was getting rid of....so the kids have been having a ball playing with moving cars and tool boxes.  (gotta love V-tech toys)

Life is good...

(although I did look around the kitchen and dread cleaning it today)

Hubs and I did go on a date last night....yes, yes, it was Dinner w/the In Laws....I did have some stuffed bell peppers and a tuxedo cake (all thanks to Costco) for them and they enjoyed it. 

The kids didn't even notice we were gone....we did some water play outside and snuck out....when we came back they were still outside playing water play.  (prob should have stayed out longer)

I got to put a dress on (more like a sack since I'm so huge) and I carried a 'real' purse. 

Hubs took me to Pappadeaux's.   I know ....jealous right? 
We split a greek salad....bowl of lobster bisque and blackened salmon ...LIFE WAS GOOD.

Hubs said I talked non-stop there...all through dinner...and the whole way home...all he had to say was "Uh huh...yep..."  I think he over exaggerated.  (I heard him speak...he ordered food....)

I did try to do a little shopping for baby C this week....All the clothes I have are 3-6 month winter (reid was feb baby) ....there were some great sales....problem was....all size 3m were taken.  It's as if someone knew I was coming.  I went against newborn size....I mean after all...Reid was 10 lbs...prob lil bro will follow in his foot steps! My first 3 babies were under 7lbs.  Lily 8.11 and then Reid.  Oddly he isn't big today...You'd think since he started out 3 lbs heavier than a normal baby, but nope...he's only 25 lbs and 17m (on sunday)

I had my 34 week midwife appt ....all was well...nothing to report other than I HAVE 6 WEEKS OR LESS....

So there you have it...I've done NOTHING all week and I LIKED it. 


Neely said…
So glad you have gotten to relax! I cant wait to meet little bean :) Ashley and I are planning to bring you sunset enchiliads when shes in town...and a bottle of bloom :)
averyswifeliz said…
I had hardly any newborn sized clothes for my stinker and get this..the dude is still wearing 2 or 3 nb sized outfits at 5 months, despite being over 8 pounds at birth. They are so unpredictable!! Enjoy doing nothing...you deserve the rest!
LeAnna said…
Woohoo for date nights!!!!
Dianna said…
Congrats on your relaxed week. You totally deserve it! 6 weeks or less! I can't wait to hear the name you have chosen!

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