You Know You Are A Big Family When....
...none of your children have ever ridden in the same car at once. go through a loaf a bread a day.
...when your bathroom closet looks like Sam's Club (toilet paper)'re out w/your kids and someone asks if you run a daycare. have to cook in 2 9x13 pans and don't have any leftovers. buy 4+ gallons of milk a week and don't worry about the expiration date. always do a head count when you leave a building.
...when you buy double of the 'family size' stuff
...the checker at the grocery store asks if you are throwing a party.
...someone asks if they are all yours. buy your pots and pans in the restaurant supply store (we just got a bunch of ours at Sam's Club). finally got your dream car.... a 15 passenger van. (needing to we didn't get a 15 passenger van...would be nice though)