Step Away From the Scissors

It's turning into be a fine Monday....(not)

Dude has his first cold. I assume it's a cold. He got a runny nose on Saturday...slight...I thought maybe he was/is teething again. Sunday it got worse....and last night I had a heck of a time getting him to sleep. He just couldn't breathe and snot was everywhere. He screamed like he was in pain and finally after a few hours (yes hours) he passed out in my arms. Those dark circles you see are only accentuating my high cheek bones. ( I keep telling myself that)

Add to that....Lily hasn't gone potty in the night for about 2 yrs now. Awesome huh? That is until last night. I thought since she hasn't pee pee'd at night we wouldn't keep confusing her with diapers and just keep her in her panties. (can you see where I'm going?)

Did I mention she co-sleeps? Yep, hubs comes to bed late last night and goes to cover her up...only to find her soaking....and not just soaking SHE WENT POO TOO...ok she never does that at night. Needless to say I'm up to my ears in laundry. I mean really? Really? It's Murphy's Law huh?!

Sweet boy looks so pitiful this heart is breaking for him. I pray in a few days this has passed and he's back to his sweet angel self. I'm pushing extra herbs/vitamins on him now too....gotta love some herbs.

As for me? I'm a bit of sleep deprived today.....(been like this since last week) I'm a bit on edge ....(lack of sleep) but I'm loving having the big kids home from school...Thanks Columbus. If only I can keep my cool...I'm on a short straw today

Another thing.....I'm not sure any can relate, but with each baby I have I lose hair after their birth. Usually doesn't happen until the baby is around 3 months old and then lasts for close to a year. It gets so bad that parts are missing and my hair looks terribly out of shape. Then the new growth starts. The most noticle is around my temples and forehead. Lately I get the "ohhhh you cut bangs...why so short?"

Ummmm hello? Who cuts bangs to their hairline?

A few weeks ago I took the scissors to my length. Now mind you I can't cut hair...(nor can I style hair) and I snipped about 3" off the longest layer. It seemed really easy .....I piled my hair on my head and grabbed another layer and cut again. Oops...this time I messed up...I wasn't really paying attention to what layer I was cutting and cut a chunk of one of the long layers. I looked insane. I txt my bff Maribel to help...she told me to quit cutting my hair and how to try to fix it.....I did and it was ok...but a few long pieces were bugging me....

A few days later I was at it again. This time I was trying to even out the layers and grabbed some around my face and cut some layers ...but still long enough to tuck behind my ears.

And then again....a few days later I was at it again. I thought for sure I'd be bald by the time I was finished. (Now I know why small tots like to cut their hair with scissors)

Enter yesterday....I hate my hair. I can't wear it in a pony b/c of all the missing hair at my "bangs" are horrible..I look like a bigger hot mess than I already am...

So what does any girl do?

She grabs the scissors and makes bangs.

It's been 9 yrs since I've even had any....

But I was smart...I txt my gf Maribel and told her what I was about to do....I think her first reaction was ..."Girl you're crazy...just be careful and don't go to short"

Then I got on youtube. hee hee...That was a huge help

Off I ran to the bathroom with dude friend in tow...and 15 mins later I had some bangs.

Hubs reaction? "You look you have a mullet" (he hates bangs....did I mention?)

the kids busted out laughing.....

Really was it that bad?

The oldest asked if I was trying to go 90's. (what does that even mean?)

The 2nd just giggles really hard when he looks at me....

Mini Me started crying....(not sure why...maybe she wants some too now?)

Lily didn't notice

Dude Friend just stared at me for a bit and then didn't pay me no mind....

I really wish the kids would quit laughing.....

Here's the phone self photo portrait....hubs said again...stupid picture...and asked why I look mean and angry....(deep sigh) maybe b/c people keep telling me how bad I look...(or maybe I'm just tired.....)



I love the bangs! Rock em girlfriend!
Caroline said…
I think you're one hot mommacita (sp?)! Hope your day/week gets better ASAP!
Anonymous said…
Your hair, although a quite entertaing story, looks fantastic! And dark circles? What dark circles? For being a mommy of 5, a wife and a wonderful baker/crafter, you look beautiful!!
Katie said…
You look gorgeous and I love the bangs...change is good & it'll always grow back :) I hope you get some sleep soon!
Amanda said…
i think you look great. I was expecting something close to horrible and then i see a pretty picture of a beautiful woman.
Dianna said…
It is funny that you mentioned losing hair around 3 months because Cooper turned 3 months last week and I just started noticing that I am losing more hair. I hope it doesn't last a year like you said!!
Stef said…
I think you look great. That isn't a mullet. Hello! If I started hacking my hair, you can bet it would look so bad, even the iphone wouldn't make it look good. But yours looks great!
I love, love, love the bangs!!
You look hot!!! Already told you this yesterday! So hot
jen said…
With all that lead-up I was expecting something horrible! You look darling, and I would kill for such hair as yours. Baby fall-out or no baby fall-out.
Lori said…
um, i actually really love your bangs1 you look great :)
Ashley said…
I think your bangs look awesome!

Hope Dude gets better quickly! Poor baby :(
Amber said…
Your bangs look gorgeous girl!
Neely said…
You Laura are what a teenage boy would call a MILF....ok well your bangs look great!

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