Why Is It .........

Why is it that you can lay a sleeping baby down...stare at him to double check he's asleep....sneak away climb into bed ...snuggle down in the warm covers only to hear the baby wake up and cry?

Why is it you can hold your pee all day and the phone/door never rings/knocks and the minute your bum hits the toilet lid they do?

Why is it your baby knows the minute you get them dressed in fresh clothes and are in a hurry to leave the house... they puke once you place them in the carrier?

Why is it the day you choose to get a shower and wash your hair the baby screams and screams wanting to be held? but the days you choose not to the baby sits there w/the happiest grin and sits for hours?

Why is it when you finally get your baby to sleep and lay them down for the night they choose then to make the biggest poo in their diaper? (now you have to change them to only wake them back up again)

Why is it your toddler only notices you have left the room when you go to lay a sleeping baby down for a nap...? Only to scream "Mommy where are you?" as loudly as she can while running to the baby's room waking the baby up.

Why is it your baby is a complete angel until you decide to head out to the store? Only to have them scream bloody murder like you've pinched them.

Why is it your house looks spotless when no one is coming to visit...the minute it gets dirty company comes?

Why is it your child is never sick a day in their life until the day you and your hubs are set to leave on a couple's vacation? (not now, but happened in the past)

Why is it your child never breaks anything in your house and the first time you visit a friend for a playgroup they break something within mins of being there? (yes TK at your house)

Why is it the first time you lay down for a much needed nap the delivery guy knocks so loudly you jump from your skin and wakes you up? It's like they knew.

Why is it when you have a craving for something and head to the store they don't have it?

Why is it you head to the store for 1 item only to come home with a car full of things but not that 1 item?


Shannon said…
Hysterical and SOOOOO TRUE! I can't tell you the number of times I forget the one thing I went after at the store! I also know what you mean about the bathroom...the phone always rings doesn't it!?

LeAnna said…
GOOD questions. Why is it we endure 9+ months of pregnancy and then labor, and repeat multiple times? To posterity's sake. That's my answer to everything... :P
LeAnna said…
FOR, not to, gosh darnit.
Caroline said…
Awwwww...hope you're having a great day!
Brandi said…
All of them are soooo true!!
Unknown said…
AMEN to that (all of it!)
The Regal Pup said…
Oh goodness! It sounds like your hands are FULL! I hope things return to normal for you soon. Funny post, though!
Stef said…
You live my life. I have often wondered the same things. Let me know if you figure them out. Wait....we aren't having any more babies. (But, if we are following that pattern, I may have an announcement in a few months. Please, God, no!)
Lori said…
LOVE THIS! I would add to it, but it seems like you've covered the lot!
I love that you have the energy to put all my thoughts into words for me. I feel ya!

Don't think I didn't lecture our FedEx guy when I brought Preston home... he no longer rings the doorbell. :)
Hi, I'm Mary... said…
SO CUTE!! And true, but I mean, even more cute than true! Love it! :)


Christi Crow said…
Hilarious! I'm right there with you!
Dana said…
These are so very true!!!! And the few times my hubby and I have slipped away my son has gotten come down with a cold the day after we leave...it never fails.
Annie said…
questions that I have asked myself many many times!!
mountain mama said…
pretty ironic huh?! :)

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