Lily Meeting Reid Video
Here is a clip when we came home from the midwife the day Reid was born. He was just a few hours old in this clip.
We really didn't know how Lily would react to Reid. I talked to her the whole pregnancy about what was in my tummy...but she would ignore me. When she would see me hold other babies she got really upset. I was a nervous wreck thinking she would dog pile the baby or chunk stuff at him. Boy was I wrong.....
She still is really protective of him...doesn't like others to hold him.
The other day a friend brought dinner over and she brought her 6m old...who was in a baby carrier...When she went to leave...she took her baby (in carrier) to the door...Lily started screaming and grabbing her carrier screaming..."MY BABY MY BABY GIVE IT BACK" She was determined that Hannah wasn't leaving with our baby! haha
Every time he cries she says..."Don't cry bebe momma here ...momma here"
She has to hold him every chance she can....she is soooo gentle....she will kiss his head and say
"Ohhh sweet boy....good're soooo cute"
She gags when she sees him spit up! haha
She is still her loud active never fear! I just Praise God she is loving him instead of resenting him ( I think that comes later in life haha)
I think we have a great Big Sister in the making!
I am in the process of weaning her too...I just can't do the both of them anymore....daddy is now putting her to bed at night...and it's working out grand!
Here's the funniest thing yet...SHE REFUSES TO CALL HIM BY HIS NAME. She either calls him DUDE FRIEND....or Little Guy! So his nickname is Dude Friend! Love it!

And I can't believe you were nursing both of them? Seriously? How would you do it?
I guess that makes it easy the first time you nurse the new baby--your nipples are still tough!
How are you hanging in there, friend!? Think about you often!
How are YOU doing? Those 5th babies are tough. I'm praying for you!