6 Days Later.....I Will Survive
Whew Weeeeeeeeeeeeee
Can you say man oh man am I tired? I have no clue how I did this a few years ago...but I'm assuming it was way easier just having Lily as a newborn and 3 big kids who were self sufficient too.
Now with Lily in the 2's and usually stuck to my hip and wanting to hold the baby 24/7.... just isn't always that easy. (more on a lily blog w/her new brother later...anyone able to convert a MP4 video to a MP3?)
The past 5 days were really hard....Reid doesn't like to be put down to sleep at night....so I was sitting in a reclined position on the couch for 2 days...and that sucked. Finally on day 3 and 4 I made a pallet on the floor in his room....and miserable...but he would sleep in the crib for about 15-20 mins and up again. At times it was taking me 3 hrs to just be able to put him down. Lack of sleep for a momma can sure do wonders for your mood the next day. NOT
Yes I had a meltdown crying spell yesterday....lack of sleep does that to a girl!
Finally yesterday he was sleeping on the couch during the day perfectly. Around 11pm I put him on the couch again and I slept next to him....he slept 3 hrs OMG OMG YES YES....I went to his room to change him and nursed him for about 40 mins and out he went and let me put him down again....2 HRS LATER....yep I got 5 hrs now....He woke and went back down again. I turned the monitor on and climbed into bed w/hubs and lily until I heard the big kids get up for school. I feel like a new woman!
Let's pray Reid keeps this up at night! I sure loved the 3 hr and 2 hr nap! haha
Reid really a sweet boy....his cord stump popped off yesterday...makes diaper changes easier..
I've been pee'd on a million times....nothing sweeter huh? :O)
He hates and I mean hates having his clothes taken off or diaper changed. He literally sounds like we are beating him. The minute his clothes start getting put back on he settles and looks around like nothing happened! Little stinker!
Thanks for all the well wishes....I need to sit a spell and catch up on your blogs....
Reid and I have a midwife check to see his progress and double check momma is doing great! We are ....healing was a breeze....aaaawww the joys of midwives and birthing centers! Yes, I am proof you can have a 10 lb baby and not tear! (TMI....................sorry)
Hugs to you! (Did my package arrive yet?)
Reid's just getting more adorable! Good Luck Friend!
He is beautiful and glad you got some sleep!
I had a 9lb 4 oz baby and didn't have issues...but I did have an epidural. I have what I call 'child bearin' hips :)
I saw your tweet...sounds like your little cutie is doing great and eating well...hugs to y'all!!
Congrats on your new baby! He's a cutie, but sounds like a challenge right now...
Your blog is cute.
Big time kudos on going al-naturale with your kids!
hang in there little mama!
he is adorable~