Lily is discovering all sorts of new things...
She enjoys swatting at her toys and trying to grab everything and bring it to her mouth. If she can grab it she can eat it!!
Her sleeping patterns are becoming more predictable! WOOHOO
Lily is still having 30 min cat naps during the day, but at night she is starting to become that angel I always knew she was...she is heading to bed by 8 and sleeping until 5ish and back down again until 8am!
Words can't describe what a joy she is. Never a dull moment! I can't begin to express how blessed I am at what a happy and calm baby she is! She can sing too....I know what you're thinking, but when I sing to her she will hum w/me...
She is easy to please...loves being held....laughs easily...loves bath time...loves being tickled and talked to...life w/Lily is amazing!
One of my favorite moments w/her is first thing in the morning. She will be talking up a storm and when she sees you enter the room she laughs and grins!
I can't wait to see what the next 4 months has in store