Like Mother Like Daughter...
June 4th, 1948 is a day the world changed and was never the same! My Mother was born! Born to a woman who had 2 children of her own and knew that this child would be better off...deserved a better home...and Praise God for her sacrifice! B and Foster Jones adopted my mom at 3 days old and were 2 of the most incredible parents and grandparents a girl could ever want.
My mom is that woman that everyone steers to talk to ....she is that bright spot in the room that makes you feel warm. She was the mom that my brother's friends had crushes on growing up. For only being 5' tall she makes an impression! She knows no strangers...and I mean this literally. She talks to everyone any place. Yes, she's the chick in the bathroom stall next to you at Target that strikes up conversations. Yes, she's the chick on the plane next to you that talks non stop. And when you leave from meeting her she made an impression. I found myself talking to a some random chick while washing my hands in the bathroom the other day mom.... She must have thought I was nuts!
Mom...I don't know how many times I have cracked up when you have called me sitting in the stands at any given event asking me if I know so and so b/c they lived in a town near me. Or how many times you have called me to tell me you while on vacation with dad you ran into a woman who knew a man who had a child that was friends with the neighbor of the cousin who lived in the house down the street to the house that you grew up in. HAHA I love you mom! I now know your joy of "It's a Small World" feeling...
Mom....I don't know how many times I would be walking in a store w/you and you would talk loud for all to hear saying my name in hopes someone knew us and you could strike up a conversation with. It drove me batty, but I find myself doing the same thing today
Mom....Thank you for always making us so super early for things....even waiting in the parked car outside the building b/c we got there before it opened. As an adult I am never fact when my brother and I met for lunch (on those rare occasions) we always try and beat the other one there!
Mom...thank you for being a SAHM and giving me the security of always knowing I could count on you and knowing when I ran home you were waiting inside. I am passing that same security on to my children
Mom....when we sit in the front room in the dark and stare out the windows and giggle hysterically at nothing...and we're laughing so hard we nearly wet our pants...only to have our husbands think we are totally insane! Never change! I hope my girls and I do this one day too
I couldn't have asked for a better best friend and mother!
I will spank you if you ever scare me again like that....
You see almost 1 year ago my spunky, energetic, crazy, and fun loving mother had a minor stroke.
If you needed attention all you had to do was ask...but trust me that wasn't the way to go about it. You nearly scared us half to death! I loved you more than you could know and that day made me realize I loved you even more than I thought. My days are filled w/dozens of txt messages and phone calls and skype talks and in one instant I thought that my world had crashed!!
Mom's don't get older or sick...they stay the same....I'm not ready to lose all that yet!
Praise God for your recovery...(I think the angels weren't ready for your spunk just yet)
So this Mother's Day....Know you are loved by many, but most of all you are loved by your only daughter! You mean the world to me and I am glad I am the woman I am today because of you.
Head over to Jen's Blog at Denton Sanatorium for more stories of Mother's who made impressions in our lives!
Thanks for a great post, and Happy Mother's Day to you!